Jun 7Liked by Jeremy Burgess

I love the Stephen King short story but was not a fan of the movie because it took something I loved and made it a joke. Pushing that aside I can see how it could be silly fun, but the actual story is so good and deserves a serious take. I hope the Edgar Wright take nails the real story.

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Word on the street is that he's going to make it more faithful to the book. That said, I'm not sure he'll incorporate certain threads because...well, reasons.

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Jun 7Liked by Jeremy Burgess

Solid work as usual . I haven’t seen this movie but now it’s on my list

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Let me know if you watch it! It's a super fun one. Incredibly 80s.

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I liked this movie more when I first saw it than recent viewings. It's a bit incoherent and exists for spectacle and Arnie one-liners, but not much else, and doesn't hold up as well as his other 'lost' classic Raw Deal.

I eventually assumed the whole gameshow/betting angle indicated how rigged the system was and yet how easy it is to lose control when you don't account for mob mentality. But maybe that's too deep for this film.

Still, a fun example of corny movie-making that would be woefully overbaked and overproduced if they made it today. Plus, always nice to see Jesse Ventura starring with Arnold, given their friendly rivalry.

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Yeah, I liked it less on this recent second viewing too. The one-liners are so bad. 😂 As far as "if they made it today" goes, I'm real curious to see what Edgar Wright does with it! I trust him to handle the material with care.

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I guess everyone knows Stephen King and Richard Bachman are the same guy now...

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I bought a paperback copy of the novel and it had King's name on the cover! I was kinda disappointed actually. 😂 It's a fairly old copy so I was hoping it was still the Bachman name.

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