Do you enjoy movies? I do too.

And I write a lot (for a living, even), so I like writing about movies. Seems like most people who write about movies tend to write about new movies, so I’m gonna write about the old(er) ones. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it and be inspired to watch some of them! If not, that’s okay too, we can still be friends.

Oh yeah, and it’s just once a week.

I don’t have time to write this stuff all the livelong day. So I’ll be publishing these things once a week, on Friday mornings, so that you’ll have a movie rec every weekend (should you choose to accept it). Most of what you read will come from me (Jeremy), but I’ll be featuring guest writers from time to time as well.

Oh, and you can pay for it too.

But you don’t have to. (Really!) Free subscribers will get the same weekly emails, because I already have a day job, and I don’t want anyone to be left out. But if you pay for it, I’ll pass those funds along to a few film-friendly organizations at the end of the year, so you’ll be helping cinema survive and thrive! (Which is something we all want, right?)

Alright, I guess that’s it.

Thanks for reading! (And for watching movies!)

Subscribe to Dust On The VCR

Conversations on 20th Century Cinema and (Slightly) Beyond


Writer of various things, including weird essays about movies.